Some of our favorite local and industry related businesses!
Is your business looking to collaborate with Catalyst? Fill out to form below to start a conversation. Together we can impact our community for health and happiness.
Strength, Conditioning and Kettlebells
Beth provides trainings in our facility to improve strength, coordination and increase vitality!

American Physical Therapy Association
…our go-to for industry specific information

Illinois Physical Therapy Association
…our go-to for industry specific/ location specific information

Sandwich Library
…for all our reading needs! PS. Read more!

…we love Kim and the work she does with our clients!

Education for Physical Therapist
These people are great to work with. They also offer mentoring for professionals!

Coffee, tea and gourmet lunches
We miss Belladonna being right next door. The trip to Yorkville is always worth it.

…a fundamentally different way to care.
Become a Partner
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.