Reaping the rewards, growth and moving forward

We asked Co-Owner JASON ROBINSON, PT, SCS, CF-L1 for his take on the CSM 2019 experience next:

“I've attended 13 sessions in 21 years!  This was my first chance to share this experience with Sarah as private practice owners! What was once a meeting that a few thousand PT’s attended now boasts an attendance well over 16,000.  

We were fortunate to be included with a group of presenters who spoke on Community Grant Writing.  Our specific contribution was the practical application of community engagement programming highlighting the WellBatavia Festival and WellBatavia Initiative.  Our presentation helped to provide an example of how attendees can connect to issues in their own community and become problem solvers and how to identify and receive the grants that can help them succeed.  

I do want to brag about our presentation experience a bit! First, It was wonderful speaking to a national audience of our peers, as well as receiving feedback from people we respect. Being recognized as "movers and shakers" felt great, too. I would say the most rewarding part of this experience ties into our reason for doing what we do -being recognized as a cutting edge practice of health-facing practitioners focusing on policy and ideological change.

I attended programming ranging from women’s health, to the throwing athlete, and the runner.  One of the more influential talks we attended was on improving the delivery of healthcare to those that receive older adult services.  It was great to see a more comprehensive and preventative model being advocated since we believe so strongly in intervening before someone gets hurt or sick.

I saw my friend honored with an Academy of Sports Physical Therapy hall of fame award at their awards dinner. It gave me a chance to reconnect with peers that have been very influential in my career.  In reflection, I now see how far I’ve come as a PT and the unique path my career has taken. I’m no longer strictly just a Sports PT, I’m a better PT. I am better able to see you as a whole person and not just through the lens of the sport you play.

All in all, attending our national conference was a wonderful experience.  We left feeling refreshed and excited to share all of this with you, our tribe!”

Follow Jason on Twitter, Instagram as well as @catalyst_athlete

Read more about Jason here.