We’ve been at 710 E Railroad for a little over a year now!
This has been a phenomenal year! We have had numerous ‘future’ PT’s working through their clinicals with us - just long enough to fall in love with them! But as it is with interns, they move on. It’s a proud / sad moment every time! Our commitment to being an educational facility means that we welcome the happy and the sad of these comings and goings. What we always find, however, is that we learn from our students! LESSON: always be learning.
Interestingly it’s the exact same thing we see with our patients. You are here long enough to work your way into our hearts and then you graduate! We are sure it’s noticeable how beyond proud we are when this happens. Not proud because we are good at our jobs (we are though!). But proud that YOU did the work and fought your way through and are leaving to lead better, less painful, more productive lives! LESSON: always be moving forward.
New teammates have elevated our services to both you (our clients) and our student PT’s! Each new hire, new partnership presents us with yet another way to live out our passion of creating a community of healthy individuals. Fit is a big deal, so new partners really need to be on the same page concerning our Five Pillars of Fuel, Recovery, Movement, Endure, and Community. We hope the care we take in bringing on new people shows in the level of connectedness and care you receive from the moment you walk in looking for help, to the moment you graduate and no longer need our services. We always hope you never come back… except to visit and show off how well you are doing, of course!
Here are a few images from the past year as we reminisce. You will forgive us if we don’t hang out here looking at pictures with you… we have places to go, papers to write, people to train and clients to help get the most out of life they can!