rehab for back pain

Avoid Addictive Opioids. Choose Physical Therapy for Safe Pain Management. #ChoosePT

Avoid Addictive Opioids. Choose Physical Therapy for Safe Pain Management. #ChoosePT

No one wants to live in pain. But no one should put their health at risk in an effort to be pain free.

Doctor-prescribed opioids are appropriate in some cases, but they just mask the pain—and opioid risks include depression, overdose, and addiction, plus withdrawal symptoms when stopping use.

Why you should walk and how community development affects your health

Why you should walk and how community development affects your health

It’s always nice to come across reports that resonate with our general stance on promoting better health and movement in our communities! One of the things near and dear to our heart is the Well Batavia Initiative (Sarah is a founder of this initiative!). It’s all about how community ‘set-up’ , (street planning, sidewalks, public transportation, green spaces…) affects moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA ).